We Strive for Equity for All
A New Hope Academy is committed to the promotion of and action in support of anti-hate, anti-racism, and social justice for all people. Maria Laquerre-Diego and all who are employed and contracted by this nonprofit strive to maintain focus on issues of power, privilege, and oppression. Our ethics, licensure, and professional practices place value on individuals, families, communities and larger systems and we stand together against injustice. We believe there is no room in our society for inequality and are dedicated to use our platform, relationships and nonprofit to enact change. In these efforts, we are guided by feminist and multicultural principles as well as our professional core values, some of which are highlighted below.
The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy has a core value to support, promote and protect diversity, to value all individuals and groups as free from prejudice and oppression as possible, and to foster a climate where equity and mutual respect are intrinsic. From this core value, we believe that Marriage and Family therapists have a direct responsibility to counter racism and injustice.
The National Association for Social Workers' professional standards and indicators for cultural competence mandates being actively opposed to racism in all its forms - individual, interpersonal, institutional and structural. From this professional standard, we believe that Social Workers have a direct responsibility to counter racism and injustice.
The American Counseling Association states that it is "built on enduring values and a mission that promotes: human dignity and diversity, respect, the attainment of a quality of life for all, empowerment, integrity, social justice advocacy, equity, and inclusion". ACA notes that counselors have a "moral and professional obligation to deconstruct institutions while have historically been designed to benefit White America" (ACA, counseling.org, 6/22/20).
We strive to offer a safe, inclusive space for our marginalized community members through constant education, up to date diversity, cultural competency, and social justice trainings, and committing to creating and sustaining our environment where individuals are valued and supported.